Week Date Bye Vet 1 Score Vet 2 Score Phillips Score
1 25-Apr   5-6 18-16 4-3 18-18 2-1 12-15  
2 2-May   2-5 12-10 3-1 12-13 6-4 10-23
3 9-May   1-4 33-22 6-2 13-24 5-3 13-23
4 16-May   3-6 RAIN 1-5 RAIN 2-4 RAIN
5 23-May   2-3 9-7 4-5 21-10 1-6 28-27
6 30-May   3-6 RAIN 1-5 RAIN 2-4 RAIN
7 6-Jun   3-6 RAIN 1-5 RAIN 2-4 RAIN
8 13-Jun   3-6 20-11 1-5 24-11 2-4 32-13
9 20-Jun   1-2 16-13 6-5 0*-9 3-4 26-28
10 27-Jun   4-6 11-15 5-2 6-10 1-3 14-15
11 11-Jul   4-1 16-17 3-5 28-12 6-2 14-24
12 18-Jul   4-2 RAIN 6-3 RAIN 5-1 RAIN
13 25-Jul   4-2 16-5 6-3 19-22 5-1 15-21
14 1-Aug   6-1 19-20 3-2 17-6 5-4 14-20
15 8-Aug   3-4 RAIN 1-2 RAIN 5-6 RAIN
16 15-Aug   3-4 20-21 1-2 17-15 5-6 15-17
17 22-Aug   1-3 14-15 4-6 19-20 2-5 28-26
18 29-Aug   2-6 29-12 4-1 14-14 3-5 17-14
PLAYOFFS Double Elimination (Games Start 5:30pm)
19 5-Sep   5-6 16-18 3-2 13-10 4-1 L-W
20 12-Sep   4-2 20-26 6-5 0*-9 3-1 PPD
21 19-Sep   5-6 18-17 3-1 W-L    
22 26-Sep   2-3 7-12        
23 3-Oct       3-1 7-4    
24 10-Oct       3-1 18-19    
NOTES : Request fields are available until end of August in case of rain cancellations during playoffs
Ties in the standings between 2 teams are resolved by using the head to head victories of the 2 teams
The playoff games gives the team with the higher winning percentage the home field advantage
Playoff numbers represent the final team position standings at the end of the season
All games start at 5:45 pm. 
The 2nd team number is the home team.  Example: Team 1 (visiting team) ~ Team 2 (home team)
At all fields, visiting team on 3rd base side, home team on 1st base side.
After first 5 weeks, any rain outs will be made up before proceding to the 2nd block of games.
After games in blue are completed, we make up any rain outs from that block of games
Time permitting the 3rd block may be scheduled, with cutoff of Aug. 29
Color Legend Description  
   Game Played
   Game not played - Forfeit
   Playoffs - Best Seed is Home Team
   Hot conditions
   TIE game
   Complete tie + play regular sched game
Fields Location
Vets Park # 1 Englishtown Rd (field on  left)
Vets Park  # 2 Englishtown Rd (field on right)
Phillips Park Maple Street, Off Rt. 18 at Wawa
Team No. Team Name Manager Phone Cell E-mail
1 Statesmen Bill Shimko   609-713-6002 wshimko789@comcast.net
2 Prime Time Bombers Pat Douglas 732 416-1736 732 570-1466 douglas@scarletmail.rutgers.edu
3 Highwaymen Jack O 'Connor   732-668-7666 jack611j@gmail.com
4 Fedco Steel Dennis Lapine   609-819-3496 denn21742@yahoo.com
5 Survivors Ray D'Atrio   732 239-8743 datriojr@optonline.net
6 Outlaws Matt Zappulla   908-405-1807 mzappulla@aol.com
League President Ray D'Atrio   732-239-8743 datriojr@optonlin
League Vice Pres. Steve Schefkind   732-581-7740 schef10@aol.com
League Secretary Matt Zappula   908-405-1807 mzappulla@aol.com
League Treasurer Jack O'Connor   732 668-7666 jack611j@aol.com
Rules Advisor Bill D'Amico   484-350-1309 billd1140@northstate.net
  Updated: 10/10/2024 Revision: 6