Central Jersey Senior Softball Association


The Central Jersey Senior Softball Association (CJSSA) shall be organized and shall operate for the enjoyment, interest, and welfare of all its players. The association shall be dedicated to:


1.      Promote camaraderie, good sportsmanship and the common good of its membership and the community.


2.      Encourage its members to participate in community affairs.


3.      Providing an interchange of information among its members


4.      Representing the league at meetings of the State and National Softball Associations.


With those statements in mind and in the forefront of enjoying our softball pastime for seniors, we are proposing the following:


1.      Establishing a 70 and over recreational softball  association based in New Egypt  for  play on Sunday afternoons to be known as the Emerald division:


A.     Each team will be drafted with a maximum of 15 players; rating system will be graded so that each team has the equal amount of parity.

B.     Players that are 67 thru 69 will be grandfathered for this year only and will also be drafted under the same above guidelines.

C.    Practice games to determine the ratings of each player ( A-D) to be held  March 27 and April 3, 2011 ( Sundays).

D.    Managers will draft blind on April 10, 2011 at a luncheon meeting along with all players who wish to attend. Luncheon to be paid for by the league.

E.     All games will be self umpired doubleheaders with play from May through October, including playoffs to be determined accordingly.


2.      Membership to the association for each player will be $ 75.00 to be due no later than March 10, 2011. These fees will cover:


A.     Shirts, hats, and balls and bases, insurance

B.     Membership to NJSSA, with eligibility to play in the state tournament.

C.    Protective screens for pitchers

D.    League defibrillators, including necessary training and retraining for CPR

E.     League owned bats that are approved by the executive committee and approved for ASA play, and or use of restricted flight balls such as the SB12

F.     Paid umpires for league playoffs

G.    End of the year picnic for all players

H.     Charitable contributions at various times deemed worthy. to various organizations


Softballaholically yours,


Nelson Tobolsky (Committee chair) 609-509-8360

Murray Rapoport

Nick Massi

Marvin Schultz

Barry Leonard




In the event that and individual decides any time prior or after the league practices he does not wish to participate, the $ 75.00 will be returned.


With anticipation of four teams of 15 payers we will have a treasury of $ 4500.00.


If we get 6 teams of 15 players, we will have a treasury of $6750.00.