Farlan Alusik
PO Box 454
NJ 07095
Application to Participate:
Team Name____________________Manager_______________________
Selected (A/B/C) __________
$325 Fee (Non-Refundable)
enter NJ State Tournament
Send Check Payable to NJSS to Farlan Alusik
at the PO Box address above.
Roster must be Emailed to
(FAlusik33NJ@yahoo.com) with All Players First/Last Names w/ Birth Dates.
Rosters will be confirmed prior to Tournament.
Important: ONLY Managers may contact the
Tournament Director regarding any concerns, Rosters, Rules, etc.
Please send a check for the required
amount made payable to NJSS to Farlan Alusik at the above address. A roster must be emailed with the first and
last names of players and year of birth to FAlusik33NJ@yahoo.com.
Roster Maximum 20 Players from your
existing Sr. League. If your roster only has 10 or less players, you can
add up to 3 additional players from another Team in your League from the same
or lower Division. All players must be
Age 60 or older by December 31, 2022 to participate in this Tournament. Only 2 players are allowed from an out of
state roster. Rosters are frozen as of
Thursday 12:00 noon prior to the Saturday Tournament.
contact Farlan Alusik, NJ State Tournament Director (50's/60's) with any questions or
concerns via Phone or Email.
Classification of Division to Participate
will be determined by Tournament Director and Division Team participates in
their NJ Senior Leagues.
Application, Roster and Fee Deadline to
Participate is Sunday July 24th which is 2 weeks prior to tournament.
Tournament Schedule will be emailed to All
Managers by Sunday July 31st 1 week prior to Tournament.
All tournament
information and schedules can be also found on the NJSS.US website at www.njseniorsoftball.com
under the Tournaments link selector.
ASA Senior Softball Rules apply
ASA Bats Permitted: (No Senior Bats or ASA Banned Bats are
ASA Umpires, Softballs, Mats/Bases and Awards
will be supplied by the NJSS.
Rosters for All Teams will be provided to
each Manager with their Information Packet.
GPS Address of Tournament is:
Memorial Fields 2450 South Wood Ave Linden NJ
and Tremley Park 46 Lower Road Linden NJ.
Linden Department of Recreation: 908-474-8600
An Information Packets will be provided to
All Team Managers regarding general information, schedules, rosters, rules etc.
at fields prior to first games from the Tournament Director or Umpire. Please
read through entire packet prior to start of Tournament.
All Players must wear the same Team Color
Shirt with Number on back for Identification purposes. Let's look professional
Farlan Alusik is also the Director for the NJ
60's State Tournament. All information
is the same as above only with different tournament dates and age
requirements. See the website
njseniorsoftball.com for online 50s, 60s, 70s State Tournament Information.
Good Luck to All Players and be Safe.